Meet me at à la London design market 26-28th of May

Dear art lovers,
I am thrilled to invite you to meet me at the upcoming design market where I will be showcasing my artwork and have prints for sale. This event is a wonderful opportunity for me to share my passion for art and connect with you who appreciate what I do and I hope to see you there!
From à la Londons website:
26-28 May à la London once again brings small-scale design to the absolute center of Gothenburg. In the premises at Östra Hamngatan 23 in Brunnsparken, where H&M has just moved out, it will be a super design market – a market with extra everything. Close to 1,300 square meters will be filled with design, fashion art and interior design. Once again, we are offering free entry for all our wonderful visitors."
26-28 May à la London once again brings small-scale design to the absolute center of Gothenburg. In the premises at Östra Hamngatan 23 in Brunnsparken, where H&M has just moved out, it will be a super design market – a market with extra everything. Close to 1,300 square meters will be filled with design, fashion art and interior design. Once again, we are offering free entry for all our wonderful visitors."